
St Brigid's from Boltwood Place

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Learn more about the Fastest Growing group in the church community Deacon Pedro J Rivera Moran
Tel. 413-452-0638
E-mail: p.riveramoran@diospringfield.org
St. Brigid’s 150th Anniversary Latino Catholic Ministry Amherst, MA


I. Historical Perspective En Espanol

Blessed Sacrament Parish in Northampton, MA offered Mass in Spanish for many years. The need of creating a Latino Ministry in Amherst began in 1992 and it was not until 1993 that we were able to offer Masses here in Amherst. With a strong faith and a good solid foundation, we wanted our services in our native language.


St. Brigid’s Parish and the Newman Center has offered a welcome home for the Hispanic Ministry. The community has two Catholic Churches, which ministers to the lives of all men and women in Amherst, Leverett, Pelham, Shutesbury, New Salem, Sunderland and the Five College area.


The parish has supported Hispanic Catholic Ministries, organizations and pastoral needs in the Hampshire County. We began with the pastoral guidance of Father John Roach. Father John Branch and Father Bruce Teague who were the pioneers in our journey. Father Pablo Manship and Father Brennan understood perfectly the needs of our Latino community. With Fr. Brennan’s help, we began the initiative to involve us at a higher level in the activities of the Springfield Diocese. During Fr. Smegal pastorate we enjoyed the services of Rev. Paul Manship, Msgr, Juan Garcia, Fr. James Brennan, CSSR, Fr. Tim Keating, CSSR, Fr. Sean O’Mannion, Fr. José Bermúdez, Fr. Chris Fedoryshyn, Deacon Pedro Rivera-Moran, Deacon Lino Sanmiguel, Sister María Mercedes Martínez and Sister Caritina Olmo (Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help). Since 2004 our St. Brigid’s Latino ministry has worked with the Diocese of Springfield on our pastoral plan.


Our spiritual guide is Sister Susana Jimenez. Our Latino ministry responds to the vision of our Diocese. Together we have cultivated the love and respect that Latinos share in the churches of the Diocese of Springfield.


II. The Mission of Latino Ministry Through the Pastoral Plan


The mission of our Latino Ministry at St. Brigid’s is to serve God, those in need, to do justice, defend the dignity of our parishioners and promote peace.


III. History of Demographic Analysis


In 1993 we started with a maximum of 50 people; and in 2020 we see approximately 100 to 150 people attending Sunday Mass, and on special days like Christmas, Easter and Mother’s Day where about 200 to 250 people attend. A multi-cultural community, the Five college area has an ever-revolving population from all over the world.


IV. History of Leadership and Co-responsibilities in Latino Ministry


We constantly identify people committed to our mission to offer talent, time and treasure. With one parish council and one religious education program, have still offered individual opportunities and Hispanic cultural events that make St. Brigid’s a better place to worship. Our representatives are Sister Susana Jimenez, Hazel Dardano, Dr. Sonia Correa Pope and Dr. Wilma Ortiz, who offer great assistance.


V. Date of Achievements:


1. Since 2017 we have Mass in Spanish and English (rather than all in Spanish) every Sunday.


2. Confessions every Sunday have been affected since we do not have a Latino or Spanish-speaking priest.


3. Our Latino community builds every year


4. Social awareness of our rights as Latinos at St. Brigid’s Church. We all work together with the pastor.


5. We work hard with communication and acceptance of other parishioners at St. Brigid’s.


6. Courses for parents/guardians: Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation a. Since 2004 more than 230 children have received the Sacrament of Baptism b. More than 143 people have received the Sacrament of First Communion c. More than 54 people have received the Sacrament of Confirmation


7. Develop education programs that support the pastoral plan through homilies, liturgies, service projects


8. Many community building events originate from the Hispanic Community, offer to help with the financial activities of the parish, such as the Hispanic food sale, the Lasagna dinner, the Palm Sunday breakfast and the August picnic.


9. Trainings for Eucharistic Ministers, Ministers of the Word and Altar Servers


10. We offer all the sacraments weddings, anniversaries, Quinceañeras & funerals


11. Our families have gone on to contribution to their communities: Students complete two and four years of college in the fields of nursing, school-age teaching, law enforcement, business and college education. Students from around the world studying at the University of Massachusetts have contributed and enriched our Latino Catholic community with their service.


12. Choir has been a mission of commitment that many have contributed over the years.


VI. History of Our Commitment to Youth


In 1995 the Hispanic Catechetical Program was formed, children and youth received classes and confirmation preparation in Spanish; they were committed in their native language to solidify their faith while their cultural heritage was validated. For the past four years, students of Spanish catechism were integrated into the Anglo community. It has been a challenge to hold retreats and other events for the youth because of work, sports, family obligations to support their families. In July 2018, we began the mission of doing the work of evangelization of the youth world in our parish of St. Brigid’s which is held on Friday nights. It is an exciting and joyful mission, with an urgent character due to the countless challenges that youth face in society. This project consists of making young apostles of the Gospel, collaborators and artisans of peace, capable of transforming themselves into people that God intended them to be.


VII. Catholic Formation of Hispanic Adults


In May 2018, a Charismatic prayer group was formed as a result of the Hispanic Charismatic Retreat. This group is open to the entire Latino community and meets every Friday night. The main objective is to learn about the teachings of Jesus and incorporate them into our daily lives, and to strengthen our faith.