Use words I can understand and enjoy what you are talking about and what you say you are living. Live as though you love God. Live, as you would love your neighbor as yourself. When educating and speaking about Jesus start from the beginning, speak clearly, practically and Biblically in words that people can understand.
I am delighted to greet you as the Pastor of St. Brigid’s Parish in the center of Amherst. We offer particular support to parents and guardians in their role as the primary educators and in spiritual formation of their children, to catechists and volunteers, and to the children of our community.
Guidelines for Religious Education
Our program has five major areas:
Special Liturgies
Home Sessions
Parent Sessions
Student Sessions
Community Gatherings
The cost this year for Religious Education is: $60 for the first child, $50 for the second and $40 for the third.
Please click here to register your child for Religious Education classes at St. Brigid’s.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
To form a community of laity for those interested in becoming a Catholic in our parish and in the universal church. For further information contact: Parish Office (413) 256-6181
Evangelization/Outreach Committee
To reach out to every member of the community especially the unchurch, those not going to church or members coming back to the church. For further information please call (413) 256-6181. To bring about in all Catholics, an enthusiasm for their faith. And a willingness to share their faith with others. To invite all people, no matter their social or cultural background, to hear the message of Christ and to come and join us. To foster Catholic teachings and gospel values in American Culture, by promoting the dignity of the human person and the sanctity of life.
Teachers / Teacher Recruitment / Teacher’s Aides
Volunteer teachers in grades K – 12 to provide the ministry of education on the scripture, traditions and our faith to our students. For further information please contact: Parish Office: (413) 256-6181.
Individuals interested in Teaching Positions : Please contact us for an application. Cori Checks are regularly done.
Individuals interested in Teaching Aid Positions: Assist the teachers during each class every week. For further information please contact: Maureen Sullivan (413) 549-0300 or newmansecretary@diospringfield.org
Parents Meetings
Parents events and parents meetings for each grade, especially theological preparation before First Confession, First Communion and Confirmation. For further information please contact: (413) 256-6181.
Adult Discussion
Adult education programs and retreats for single people and couples. Contact Parish Office (413) 256-6181.
Marriage Preparation
Prepares couples for the most important day of their lives, their covenant with each other and God. One of the most beautiful days in your life is your wedding day. Preparations for that day make it one to remember. But not preparing for your wedding can be awkward at best. Do not reserve the restaurant before you reserve the church. To reserve the church you must make an appointment to see the priest (not on the phone, and the secretary can not take the information.)
If you wish to be married in the church there are basically three steps.
- 1. The couple makes an appointment with the priest. During the first step the priest determines if the couple is free to marry (never married before). The priest determines if they are mature – spiritually and psychologically. Are they ready to marry? Are there any barriers to marriage? Only after a priest determines if you are free to marry can you move to the next step.
- 2. The Theology, Psychology and Social meaning of the Sacrament of Marriage. (Marriage in the Catholic Church is not the same as the Justice of the Peace Ceremony.) This step is partially anticipated in the Pre-Cana Conferences. How does God bless us in the Sacrament of Matrimony? Does the couple have the appropriate communication skills.
- 3. The Liturgy and the Sacrament of Marriage. Preparation for the Wedding rehearsal and the Wedding Ceremony, setting the date of marriage, music, readings, who is walking down the aisle, organist, flowers, etc. This is a simple outline on what needs to be done before you set a date.
- For further information please contact Parish Office (413) 256-6181.
Office of Child and Youth Protection, Diocese of Springfield
Please click here to learn more about programs offered through the Office of Child and Youth Protection.